Online classroom

General info

All of the courses administered by NBIS are delivered on a learning platform Canvas.

This means that some of content will be linked between the readthedocs website and the Canvas website.

The schedule for this week is located on Canvas, with links to the content and exercises on this website.

We make sure that all the material on this site is up to date and always accessible.

During the course we will create a page on readthedocs where you can access the presentations.

Most interactions and talks will be happening on Zoom (Zoom link: TBD). For this, we have created several rooms to accommodate the main session, exercises and group discussions:

Zoom rooms

  • Main

  • Quiet room

  • Team 1: DNAwesome

  • Team 2: HISStones

  • Team 3: ATACers

  • Team 4: TufFactors

  • Team 5: MethylNation

  • Q&A 1

  • Q&A 2

  • Q&A 3

  • Extra 1

  • Extra 2

  • Extra 3

  • Extra 4

  • Extra 5

We also have a Slack workspace. You should have already gotten an invitation via email to access this (let us know if not!). To keep things somewhat ordered, we have a general channel and day-specific channels. The general channel can be used for more general questions or discussions; while any issues or questions related to specific days can be taken in the appropriate channel. Please try to answer questions in a “thread” to avoid cluttering up the channel! You will have access to this Slack channel after the course, but please bear in mind that the messages have a lifespan of 30 days, after which time they are deleted by Slack.

Where should you be and when?

Main session

  • Listen and talk in Main room.

  • Please have your cameras on during online sessions in the Main room.

  • But mute the mic though; if you would like to ask a question (higly recommended!) raise a virtual hand or write it in in the Zoom chat!


  • You will be moved or move yourself to a smaller breakout room.

  • Once there, choose and do whatever works best for you

    • Stay with your team in the team room (preferred option)

    • Move to the Quiet room on Zoom to stay connected but work in peace

    • join another team if your team members choose a quiet room or prefer to disconnect

    • you’ve found a classmate and want to discuss more directly: use Extra (1-5) rooms

    • offline; it is OK to disconnect during exercises

stuck with exercises? Choose:

  • Main room to ask questions to your teaching team or fellow students (be brave, we all benefit from hearing your question)

  • Write in Slack in the appropriate channel or directly to Agata, Jakub or Vincent