Detection of differential binding sites using csaw

This is an alternative workflow for detection of differential binding / occupancy in ChIP-seq data. In contrast to working with reads counted within peaks detected in a peak calling step (as in the earlier example with DiffBind), this approach uses a sliding window to count reads across the genome. Each window is then tested for significant differences between libraries from different conditions, using the methods in the edgeR package. This package also offers an FDR control strategy more appropriate for ChIP-seq experiments than simple BH adjustment.

It can be used for point-source binding (TFs) as well as for broad signal (histones). However, it can only be used for cases where global occupancy levels are unchanged.

As this method is agnostic to signal structure, it requires careful choice of strategies for filtering and normalisation. Here, we show a very simple workflow. More details can be found in the Csaw User Guide.

Requirements Local

  • R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) -- "Lost Library Book"

  • csaw

  • edgeR

R packages required for annotation:


  • TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene

Recommended (local):

  • R-Studio to work in


This exercise was tested on Rackham using pre-installed R libraries. Local installation of recommended R packages may require additional software dependecies.

Requirements Remote (Uppmax)

The software is configured.

To prepare the files, assuming you are in ~/chipseq/analysis:

mkdir csaw
cd csaw

ln -s  ../../data/bam/hela/
ln -s  ../../data/bam/sknsh/

Loading data and preparing the contrast to test

You can now load the version of R for which we tested this class along with other dependencies:

module load R_packages/4.0.4

The remaining part of the exercise is performed in R.

dir.sknsh = "./sknsh"
dir.hela = "./hela"

bam.files <- c(hela.1,hela.2,sknsh.1,sknsh.2)

We need to provide the information about the design of the experiment using model.matrix function:

grouping <- factor(c('hela', 'hela', 'sknsh', 'sknsh'))
design <- model.matrix(~0 + grouping)
colnames(design) <- levels(grouping)

The design should look like this:

> design
  hela sknsh
1    1     0
2    1     0
3    0     1
4    0     1
[1] 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

Let’s test which peaks are differentially occupied in HeLa cells vs in sknsh cells. We prepare the information on contrast to be tested using makeContrasts function from package limma. This is not the only way to do so, and examples are given in csaw and edgeR manuals. In this case we want to test for the differences in REST binding in HeLa vs. SKNSH cell lines:

contrast <- makeContrasts(hela - sknsh, levels=design)

The contrast should look like this

> contrast
Levels  hela - sknsh
  hela             1
  sknsh           -1

Now we are ready to load data and create an object with counted reads:

data <- windowCounts(bam.files, ext=100, width=10)

Parameters for file loading can be modified (examples in the csaw User Guide), depending on how the data was processed. Here we explicitely input the value for fragment length as we have this information from the cross correlation analysis performed earlier during ChIP-seq data processing tutorial. It is 100 for Hela and 95 & 115 for sknsh. We’ve used 100 as it seems a reasonable averge value.

We can inspect the resulting data object, e.g.:

> data
class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
dim: 155408 4
metadata(6): spacing width ... param final.ext
assays(1): counts
rownames: NULL
rowData names(0):
colnames: NULL
colData names(4): bam.files totals ext rlen

> data$totals
[1] 1637778 2009932 2714033 4180463

Filtering out regions with very low coverage

The next step is to filter out uninformative regions, i.e. windows with low read count, which represent background. There are many strategies to do it, depending on the biology of the experiment, IP efficiency and data processing. Here, we filter out lowest 99.9% of the windows, retaining the 0.1% windows with highest signal. The rationale is that for TF experiments only 0.1% of the genome can be bound, hence the remaining must represent background.

keep <- filterWindowsProportion(data)$filter > 0.999
data.filt <- data[keep,]

To investigate the effectiveness of our filtering strategy:

> summary(keep)
   Mode   FALSE    TRUE
logical  145558    9850


Assigning reads into larger bins for normalisation:

binned <- windowCounts(bam.files, bin=TRUE, width=10000)

The TMM method trims away putative DB bins (i.e., those with extreme M-values) and computes normalization factors from the remainder to use in edgeR. The size of each library is scaled by the corresponding factor to obtain an effective library size for modelling.

Calculating the normalisation factors using a modified TMM method:

data.filt <- normFactors(binned, se.out=data.filt)

Inspecting the normalisation factors:

> data.filt$norm.factors
[1] 0.9727458 1.0718693 0.9279702 1.0335341

Detecting differentially binding (DB) sites

This part of the procedure follows the logic developed for transcriptomics data in edgeR package. The steps are described in great detail in csawBook.

Detecting DB windows:

data.filt.calc <- asDGEList(data.filt)
data.filt.calc <- estimateDisp(data.filt.calc, design)

 Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
0.2136  0.3565  0.4022  0.3984  0.4742  0.4892

fit <- glmQLFit(data.filt.calc, design, robust=TRUE)
results <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast=contrast)

rowData(data.filt) <- cbind(rowData(data.filt), results$table)

Inspecting the results table:

> head(results$table)
    logFC   logCPM         F       PValue
1 -7.239404 2.165639 17.229173 3.327018e-05
2 -5.244217 2.783211  9.484909 2.074540e-03
3 -3.023888 2.755437  4.721852 2.979352e-02
4 -2.050617 2.612401  2.684560 1.013412e-01
5 -1.827703 2.459979  2.459072 1.168638e-01
6 -4.336717 2.052296 14.330442 1.538194e-04

Correcting for multiple testing

First we merge adjacent DB windows into longer clusters. Windows that are less than tol apart are considered to be adjacent and are grouped into the same cluster. The chosen tol represents the minimum distance at which two binding events are treated as separate sites. Large values (500 - 1000 bp) reduce redundancy and favor a region-based interpretation of the results, while smaller values (< 200 bp) allow resolution of individual binding sites.

merged <- mergeWindows(rowRanges(data.filt), tol=1000L)

Next, we apply the multiple testing correction to obtain FDR. We combine p-values across clustered tests using Simes method to control the cluster FDR.

table.combined <- combineTests(merged$id, results$table)

The resulting table.combined object contains FDR for each cluster:

> head(table.combined)
DataFrame with 6 rows and 8 columns
  num.tests num.up.logFC num.down.logFC      PValue         FDR   direction
  <integer>    <integer>      <integer>   <numeric>   <numeric> <character>
1         7            0              5 2.32891e-04 0.004039711        down
2         3            0              3 6.98933e-06 0.000482289        down
3         3            0              3 1.94804e-04 0.003679925        down
4         5            0              5 4.10817e-05 0.001168075        down
5         3            0              3 6.67458e-05 0.001720419        down
6         5            0              5 1.88055e-04 0.003620735        down
   rep.test rep.logFC
  <integer> <numeric>
1         1  -7.23940
2         8  -7.00091
3        13  -7.50151
4        14  -7.12133
5        19  -7.20842
6        23  -8.90988
  • num.tests - the total number of windows in each cluster;

  • fields num.up.logFC and num.down.logFC - for each log-FC column in results$table; contain the number of windows with log-FCs above 0.5 or below -0.5, respectively;

  • PValue - the combined p value;

  • FDR - the q-value corresponding to the combined p value;

  • direction - the dominant direction of change for windows in each cluster.

Each combined p value represents evidence against the global null hypothesis, i.e., all individual nulls are true in each cluster. This may be more relevant than examining each test individually when multiple tests in a cluster represent parts of the same underlying event, i.e., genomic regions consisting of clusters of windows. The BH method is then applied to control the FDR across all clusters.

Inspecting the results

We select statistically significant DB events at FDR 0.05:

is.sig.region <- table.combined$FDR <= 0.05

How many regions were detected as differentialy bound?

down   up
 231  201

out of

> length(table.combined$FDR)
[1] 2758

We can also obtain information on the best window in each cluster: <- getBestTest(merged$id, results$table)

> head(
DataFrame with 6 rows and 8 columns
num.tests num.up.logFC num.down.logFC      PValue         FDR   direction
<integer>    <integer>      <integer>   <numeric>   <numeric> <character>
1         7            0              4 2.32891e-04 0.004310830        down
2         3            0              3 6.98933e-06 0.000529342        down
3         3            0              3 2.56536e-04 0.004535416        down
4         5            0              5 4.10817e-05 0.001168075        down
5         3            0              3 6.67458e-05 0.001720419        down
6         5            0              5 6.41895e-04 0.008158277        down
   rep.test rep.logFC
  <integer> <numeric>
1         1  -7.23940
2         8  -7.00091
3        11  -7.33950
4        14  -7.12133
5        19  -7.20842
6        22  -7.47709

We can inspect congruency of the replicates on multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plots. The distance between each pair of libraries is computed as the square root of the mean squared log-fold change across the top set of bins with the highest absolute log-fold changes. A small top set visualizes the most extreme differences whereas a large set visualizes overall differences.

adj.counts <- cpm(data.filt.calc, log=TRUE)
for (top in c(100, 500, 1000, 5000)) {
plotMDS(adj.counts, main=top, col=c("blue", "blue", "red", "red"),labels=c("hela", "hela", "sknsh", "sknsh"), top=top)

Let’s save this plot:

adj.counts <- cpm(data.filt.calc, log=TRUE)
for (top in c(100, 500, 1000, 5000)) {
plotMDS(adj.counts, main=top, col=c("blue", "blue", "red", "red"),labels=c("hela", "hela", "sknsh", "sknsh"), top=top)

Annotation of the results


anno <- detailRanges(merged$region, txdb=TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,, promoter=c(3000, 1000), dist=5000)

merged$region$overlap <- anno$overlap
merged$region$left <- anno$left
merged$region$right <- anno$right

Creating the final object with results and annotation

Now we bring it all together:

all.results <- data.frame($region)[,1:3], table.combined, anno)

All significant regions are in:


How many significantly different pekas?:

> nrow(sig)
[1] 432

To view the top of the all.results table:

all.results <- all.results[order(all.results$PValue),]

> head(all.results)
   seqnames     start       end num.tests num.up.logFC num.down.logFC
1726     chr2  25642751  25642760         1            1              0
822      chr1 143647051 143647060         1            0              1
876      chr1 149785201 149785210         1            0              1
386      chr1  40530701  40530710         1            1              0
2519     chr2 199778551 199778560         1            1              0
1613     chr2   8683951   8683960         1            0              1
           PValue          FDR direction rep.test rep.logFC
1726 7.875683e-07 0.0004407602        up     6126  7.360348
822  1.197351e-06 0.0004407602      down     3065 -6.938285
876  1.197351e-06 0.0004407602      down     3263 -6.938285
386  1.574877e-06 0.0004407602        up     1616  7.389491
2519 1.574877e-06 0.0004407602        up     8988  7.389491
1613 2.198223e-06 0.0004407602      down     5724 -6.997646
                   overlap          left           right
1726              DTNB:-:I    DTNB:-:347
822                                      100286793:-:579
876  H2BC18:-:P,H3C13:-:PE H2BC18:-:1273
386               CAP1:+:I    CAP1:+:470     CAP1:+:1177

We of course discourage ranking the results by p value only ;-).

Now you are ready to save the results as a table, inspect further and generate a compelling scientific hypothesis. You can also compare the outcome with results obtained from peak-based couting approach.

One final note: In this example we have used preprocessed bam files, i.e. reads mapped to the regions of spurious high signal in ChIP-seq (i.e. the ENCODE “blacklisted regions”) were removed, as were the so called duplicated reads - reads mapped to the same genomic positions. While filtering out the blacklisted regions is always recommended, removal of duplicated reads is not recommended for DB analysis, as they may represent true signal. As always, your mileage may vary, depending on the project (library sequencing depth and complexity being the factors to watch out for in this context), so exploring several options is essential for obtaining meaningful results.